Subdivision Marketing Plan

A successful development story for your clients starts well before any pegs are placed on site. Before they knock on the doors of the local council seeking planning approval, they will need to rewind right the way back to the very beginning and ask themselves one question – what’s possible?
As real estate agents, that’s the question that should be on your mind too and will help with the saleability of the lot. Vision Surveys Consulting can reveal what your client is sitting on, before they start with the advertising process.
Our Subdivision Marketing Plan is designed to quickly and simply review the property and propose a subdivision configuration in compliance with Local Council policies and the Western Australian Planning Commission planning regulations.
If there are any issues that we may foresee with the subdivision, you will be notified. Think of how grateful your client will be with the level of detail that you are able to provide them as part of your service. You can also upload the subdivision marketing plan online to gain interest from potential buyer.
Product Description
Subdivision Marketing Plan inclusions:
- Review of lot and the subdivision potential based on R-Codes and Town Planning Schemes
- An aerial subdivision marketing plan outlining potential subdivision
*Only applies for subdivisions of 4 lots or less. For larger subdivisions, please contact the office on 6144 0000 to discuss further with one of our Project Consultants.